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lunes, 29 de junio de 2015

How to sign in on Trafficmonsoon??

First of all we must have the following requirements, mail account (other than Hotmail, OUTLOOK, MSN) and a PayPal account, Payza or SolidTrustPay (to receive payments)

If we have this we must enter the following link: Registration Link

This will take us to the next page:

This is the main page of trafficmonsoon here first thing to do is to register on the button shown in the photo with the red box.

The registration form which divide into 3 parts then opens:

1. Here we see the red box the name of the person who referred in this case should validate that tell them Andherson Castro in red indicates the data to be placed in each field. It is recommended that the mail is to use GMAIL.


2. We must put a user name which is what will put the log on page. field WITHDRAW CODE SETUP A code that should not be forgotten because it is the one that works us to transfer the money.

3. This is the end of the form and is where we will place the information to get paid, here it is where we will use the Paypal account or any of the other methods that owns the page to remove the money earned. Then we accept the methods and conditions and solving a captcha (We must get used a bit to them and that use often) and press the blue button PROCEED.

And with this we will be recorded in Trafficmonsoon we can start to make money, if you own any questions please write or leave a comment.

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